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Meet your English teacher Promise O!

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Promise O

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map markerNigeria
user languageNear-native
thumb up12 positive feedbacks
students20 active students
lessons67 lessons
Lessons taught
About myself
Hi! I’m Teacher Promise O, a vibrant educator with a passion for making learning fun and engaging. I have been teaching ESL since 2022. I believe that the best lessons are interactive adventures! My teaching style blends creativity and structure, using games, projects, and technology to keep students excited and eager to learn. I love sparking curiosity and watching those “aha!” moments unfold in the classroom. Why choose me? I focus on building strong connections with my students and their families, creating a supportive environment where everyone thrives. My Superpower is that I can tell fun, moral filled stories using objects in class. Together, we can make learning an exciting journey! Let’s inspire your child to explore, discover, and grow!
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Promise O

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Sorry, the teacher doesn't have free slots. Please choose another
map markerNigeria
user languageNear-native
thumb up12 positive feedbacks
students20 active students
lessons67 lessons